Soul Mate


  • Love
  • ,
  • Life
  • ,
  • Soul

    Poem Commentary

    This piece was recognized in 2000 by   I was quite single at that time.

    Soul Mate

    My spirit calls out to you           From the distance... Are you there?      Through the timelessness of eons             Intertwining all we share.            Amidst the calming passion             As our cycles carry on      Through our lifetimes, everlasting             'Til the last breath                  Ever whispered has been drawn.             Emerges with the oneness                From my searching...... Journey's ending in your song                                        

    Poem Comments


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    NitaBoo commented on Soul Mate


    Short and sweet....i can dig it...your word layout needs work but overall good one...

    Alekar commented on Soul Mate


    you should be on my friends, i love that your poem is insitful and short, because not everything need be explained in a thousand words



    thanks alekar.I do appreciate your feedback

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    medicinenanie’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Soul Mate 2
    Betrayal 2
    Trying To Cope 1
    Unrequitted Love 1
    Enlightenment 0
    Rebirth 2