


Betrayal- Gut wrenching, backstabbing- Rendered heartfelt hurt- The verb of the action done........It tears the heart apart..Oozing pain of what you thought was your one true love-now undone.                                            Where can one go??? What can one do when the truth overrides the lies? How does one cope? Take a breath and don't choke from the bile that the word implies. The cruel reality of the charaded sham-- That's been dropped into your lap-The  audacity of the very act slaps your face---Your core; Your soul, But you must retract-The anger: Humility which you now embrace- Musn't let it swallow you whole.       Just walk away with your head held high-Don't retaliate, Do not even try-------------Steadfastly now-Plant your feet in place, and love yourself with a hugs warm embrace.        What can one do who's been betrayed?//.Just walk away - toward a brighter day

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NitaBoo commented on Betrayal


Now this is more like it....very good...again the layout is a bit hard to follow but the wording is on point....



i wish i could do the format the way i intended and maybe it would be a lot clearer, and thanks for the info, and the good tips

susanthewinner commented on Betrayal


I felt your pain too. Writing is healing. You are on the path to forgive and love again. Good luck, keep me posted. Let's be friends. Read more, your comments are deeply appreciated. Your friend, Susan



thank you Susan, I'd like that.that was written 1/03/05

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

medicinenanie’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Soul Mate 2
Betrayal 2
Trying To Cope 1
Unrequitted Love 1
Enlightenment 0
Rebirth 2