Soul Mate


  • Love

    Soul Mate

    I seek you to no avail.
    The experienced say to stop looking
    having closed their eyes upon ‘settling’.
    Compelled and ‘awake’ I continue.

    Having never learned to date
    due to childhood damage
    and turn or burn institutions,
    my divorced self is determined to evolve

    My heart hums slow, deep, and rhythmic -
    anticipation feeding its beat with each new introduction,
    while desperation interrupts its dance-
    both conductors still based on fear.

    So I turn to the virtual world of
    ‘Free personality profiles’-
    an excited new disciple of Dr. Grandpa
    and his doctrine of compatibility based lifetime loves.

    Knowing the game is in full play,
    I’m still unable and unwilling to engage.
    The steps of this particular dance
    too complex for one as simple as I.

    Yet I can not seem to stop looking for you
    as if I was missing a part of myself.
    Feeling lopsided, out of sync,
    reactive and weak…
    I remain hopeful yet sad.
    Knowing the answers I seek are with-in
    while finding it hard to stop looking with-out.

    Certain of my stupidity I risk anyway
    and find I’m better for having done so.
    Though the journey continues and
    I seek you to no avail…

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    DeanPeter commented on Soul Mate


    This is exactly my story. It's soooooo uncanny. I've a poem you should read and see what it is that has me in goose bumps right now. it's in my page under " I Await My Springtime Blossum" , you wont regret it. I also had a rough rearin', but I DID and AM turning that 180 degreer. And writing a book called Ascending: My Journey From The Dark To The Light. well, let me know what you think if you want, I'd appreciate it.. TY..DeanPeter:)



    Thank you Dean - God Bless you on your journey. The Greatest Love you could ever hope for dwells within your heart and is also the Author of it. Hold tight to Him and he will fill the emptiness you speak of. Very good poem. Keep writting :) Agape', J.

    kenparme commented on Soul Mate


    This is a great poem-it makes me smile and it makes me want the best for you-This is one of my favorite poems.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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