Song Girl


  • Love

    Song Girl

    She is song.

    She is the music to my ears

    and the rhythm and blues that can change my mood

    She is the vibration of the keyboards keys

    The sensation of the violin strings

    She is the feeling that music brings

    She is song.

    She is the ultimate glory and praise

    The emotional, uplifting gaze upon heaven

    She is melody, harmony

    and she is quite

    She is the raspy voice of Macy Gray

    The bellowing sound of T.D Jakes

    The originality of Ray Charles

    or the sensuality of Vandross

    She is the voice of reason

    The mind of millions

    She is different

    and special

    and unique

    and loving

    and respected

    She is...She is...Lefteye

    She is Aaliyah

    She is Aretha Franklin

    She is Chaka Khan

    She is every woman, it is all in her

    She is Marvin Gaye

    Stevie Wonder

    Al Green

    She is the one and only

    She is R&B

    She is Soul

    Hip-Hop and Rock and Roll

    She is Ska


    and she is even Gangsta Rap

    She is on your mind while you sleep

    and she plays when you're awake

    She is the dream that you always remember

    and the inspiration that you write from

    She is old school, new school, future school

    She is livened poetry

    She is in the words you scribble on sheet music

    She is in the beat you lay down for the track

    She is in the money you spend for the CD

    or in the cuts that you download

    She is the spirited vibe from the Saxophone

    or the triumph of the Trombone

    The excitement of the English Horn

    She is instruments

    She is the everlasting vitality

    She is eternity



    and she will never die.

    She is the angelic octaves

    She is the chords, and riffs of a guitar

    She is the passion in life

    and she is unequivocal soul of being

    She is...

    She is...


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    BikemanRJ commented on Song Girl


    I enjoy music and singing this poem describes and touches on the emotions of music so very well in my opinion this poem has a great beat and SHE ROCKS

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Clouden3’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Song Girl 1
    Killer 0
    Blindfold 1
    Deeper Than Before 0
    Pain or Pleasure 1