So Confused


So Confused

I miss the man i fell in love with, he was so kind, sweet, loving and caring, gentle and understanding. Now i am not sure i even know who he is anymore. He is so distant and cold most of the time, i often wonder what i have done wrong for him not to want to spend time with me.

For the first time today he threatened to hit me because he was in a bad mood, something that had nothing to do with me. I know he would never hurt me, yet the words are stuck in my mind. I am not afraid of him and never will be. I do not understand why he takes things out on me the way he does.

I often wonder what i have done to deserve this. I try so hard to please him and make him happy. Everything i do he tells me is wrong, if i get upset i am wrong, if i get mad i am wrong, if my feelings get hurt i am wrong. No matter how much he hurts me, i try my best not to cry for it is not aloud.

Why does he want to hurt me so much ? All i have ever wanted is for him to love me. Maybe i was not meant to be loved and be happy, i just don't know anymore. I feel so confused and alone, with no where to turn, no one who understands the pain i am going through. Maybe i was just meant to spend my life alone.

June 28th 2009 

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goofeball12 commented on So Confused


its not your fault. maybe you should tell him how you feel. check his phone maybe there is an affair.. im sorry to say..



Ty for your comment hun....Theirs no one else, he doesn't let me out of his site long enough to cheat....That really makes it very confusing at times....As of now we are doing much better after a lot of talking and a family tragedy....Ty you again for your comment and support...

cmlestrade commented on So Confused


I don't think you have done a thing wrong. Women do not always understand the pressures men endure. They want us to count on them and still be strong enough so they can depend on us. I doubt very much that this man would hit you and you don't believe that yourself. A very wise woman who should have been my mother -in-law said never let any man know how much you love him. You wear your heart on your chest for all to see. A psychiatrist I once worked for told his female patients to take a long solo vacation. Make sure all his needs and the kids are taken care of first and ask his permission in such a way he can't say no. make sure it doesn't cost him a penny. Believe me you'll be missed. This has a 100% success rate. Why it works i have no idea but you'll be more appreciated than ever and best of all you'll discover you.

sunnah3 commented on So Confused


I feel every word you write as if you were writing it 4me.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

TwistedAngel’s Poems (47)

Title Comments
Title Comments
With All Our Love Daddy 0
Missing Him 1
How Do I Live With Out You ? 0
To My Beautiful Daughter Nichole 1
Can She Walk Away ? 2
Gone 2
Living Without You 2
Hurting 1
Missing Him 1
Believing A Lie 1
Just A Dream 0
She Fears The One She Loves 0
Her Desire For Him 0
His Possession 3
She Only Wants His Love 0
Hidden Emotions 0
Bleeding Heart 2
A Dark Night 1
She Withdraws Into Her Shell 1
She Believes‏ 1
Darkness Surrounds Me‏ 1
I Still Need You Daddy‏ 1
Daddys Little Girl‏ 1
A Heavy Heart‏ 1
My Darling Little Boy‏ 2
I Promise Baby‏ 1
The Way It Use To Be‏ 2
Broken Promises‏ 0
Please Just Listen‏ 1
Out Of Control‏ 0
The Tears Keep Falling‏ 0
A Silent Prayer‏ 1
If You Loved Me‏ 1
I Love Them Both‏ 0
So Confused 3
I Know He Loves Me 1
A Divided Heart 0
Different As Day And Night 0
The Monster Returnes‏ 1
My Heart And Soul 0
Another Night 0
My Heart Breaks 0
Wondering Why I am Here 2
All I Have 1
Invisible 0
Daddy's Arms 1
Alone And Scared 2