My Darling Little Boy‏


My Darling Little Boy‏

Once again i awake to his cry's in the night, my mind racing, my heart ripping in two i run to his room. My heart crumbles as he looks up at me with tears streaming down his beautiful little face and reaches for me. He is so small and scared, for the bad dreams have returned yet again. I pull him into my arms, cuddling him tightly against my chest, rocking him as i sit in the ,middle of his bedroom floor. My heart breaks a little more with each sob, as tears stream down my face. I tighten my arms around my little boy assuring him he is safe, mommy is here now. Once more i ask God to please take awake the dreams and fears that wake my little one almost every night. As i rock him back to sleep, my heart now aches to protect him from all the evils in this world. Even though i know no matter how hard i try, i can not protect him from everything, i will do my best to protect my little one at any cost. As i lay him in his bed, kissing him on the forehead, i tell him " My darling Keven, i hope you always know mommy loves you will all her heart baby. I will always be there for you, as you grow up, as you grow into a young handsome man. Mommy is always here for you. You are my world baby. "  Mommy loves you Keven !!!!

July 9th 2009

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poetheart87 commented on My Darling Little Boy‏


Very touching. It is hard to be a parent and know that you cannot always protect them from harm. Though we will always try. Keep loving your little boy and keep on writing. It is medicine for the soul.



Ty hun, am glad you enjoyed the poem.

Nadia1986 commented on My Darling Little Boy‏


very heart warming you see a mom's love well in your poem



Ty hun



Ty hun

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

TwistedAngel’s Poems (47)

Title Comments
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Missing Him 1
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To My Beautiful Daughter Nichole 1
Can She Walk Away ? 2
Gone 2
Living Without You 2
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A Dark Night 1
She Withdraws Into Her Shell 1
She Believes‏ 1
Darkness Surrounds Me‏ 1
I Still Need You Daddy‏ 1
Daddys Little Girl‏ 1
A Heavy Heart‏ 1
My Darling Little Boy‏ 2
I Promise Baby‏ 1
The Way It Use To Be‏ 2
Broken Promises‏ 0
Please Just Listen‏ 1
Out Of Control‏ 0
The Tears Keep Falling‏ 0
A Silent Prayer‏ 1
If You Loved Me‏ 1
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So Confused 3
I Know He Loves Me 1
A Divided Heart 0
Different As Day And Night 0
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My Heart And Soul 0
Another Night 0
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Wondering Why I am Here 2
All I Have 1
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Daddy's Arms 1
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