

  • Art


    Some believe while others think
    On the brink of madness
    Some rejoice while others sink
    Into the uncouth and tactless

    A viable exception
    Who might see direction
    Asking no question
    Leading insurrection

    No dice and no release
    Lack of an inner peace
    Nothing for the agony ease
    Not even a taste or a tease

    Sans appreciation for art
    Devoid of empathy
    Without the beat of a heart
    Ignorance's epitomy

    Chooses to fail
    Opts to lose
    Imprisonment cell
    Loves the abuse

    Poem Comments


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    TheShowMan commented on Siquell


    Well written and nicely done. great topic and also the story had a very good rythm to it.

    AIXA commented on Siquell


    Great poem, very direct!

    Bwyn commented on Siquell


    I like how it makes you ponder on the vocabulary you use. The play on words gives each paragraph different meaning.

    origionalmerlin commented on Siquell


    some just want the tension of attension

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Alexgrey’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    False Profit 3
    Epic Fail 1
    Scrap Demon 1
    Celebrant of Tears 5
    Confound 10
    Siquell 5
    Altar Case Shun -1
    Poetry in the form of Me 16