Silent Screams


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Losing someone you faught side by side with during three tours in Iraq it becomes more than just a friendship.  Throughout our time spent in war he became not only a comrade, but a brother as well.  We all miss him and wish he was still here today.

Silent Screams



    The silent screams of a father’s son shattered the hushed earth forever stealing the image of all of them making it back home safely.  The hidden thief on this dark night fired a single shot from an afar rooftop cowering in the shadows of his own beliefs.  The bullet traveled the five hundred yard distance in a dashing manner fueled by violence and hate.  Unabashed in its purpose the large caliber crashed against flesh ending the innocent minds of the new soldiers standing near by.  They watched with numbness as their close friend fell to the battled streets.  He was unable to speak aloud from the injuries endured, yet his pleas echoed through the eyes of his comrades staring in solemn disbelief.  They could hear their friend’s muted cries over the thunderous gun fire that sealed the young man’s fate; Yelled whispers of a last request escaping from with in a dying soul.  Though his words were suffocated by the malicious voice of war every syllable was carried through the tears fallen, soaking the already blood stained ground in which he lay.  With painful gasp’s he struggled to breathe hoping each one would not be his last.  They rushed to their buddy’s side watching the rise and fall of his chest grow weaker with every step as the world around them became unknown.  Kneeling at his feet with the weight of a family on their shoulders they heard his final words through silent screams.

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CatsMeow commented on Silent Screams


The title "Silent Screams" speak volumes, nice work.

SavVySam commented on Silent Screams


A very, very, fine piece of writing! Such a horrible and unforgettable experience to have lived, may your pain be lessened through the telling...

Charlie23 commented on Silent Screams


Your writing is amazing! I agree with Corey1Hillen, I hope you consider submitting your work for publication, as I can't quite explain the feeling I got when reading this, but it brought the entire picture alive in my mind. Just based on your writing, because it reminds me more of a short essay, although you could probably write a novel, a book that had really helped me with my story telling is "The Art of the Short Story", truely a great book in the sense that it may provide you with further insight as to where you would like to go with your writing. Please do not base my advice on my poetry posted to this site, as it does not do justice for the improvement that book has brought me with my essays. Just a suggestion, because you are very talented.

BooTz commented on Silent Screams


this is heartbreaking. i'm sorry u had to go thru that...nobody should have to go thru that. this is a very raw&real poem. the reader can actually visualize the pain.extremely well done

Mrpoetry commented on Silent Screams


sad but great poem i do not know what to say except God bless you. you made it home safe. away from the body debris and waste

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

billygunns’s Poems (6)

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