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    Walking up to the steps Shayla felt a little sick and scared for what she was about to do was unforgiveble.
    Crazy thoughts of what she was gonna do and how she was going to do it kept her awake at night and it kept her up like the undead.
    She started to turn around she had the money in her pocket sweating and saying what am I doing she kept on walking.
    She said to herself i'm not ready ,but what am I gonna do with this situation. Shayla sat down in the office signed her name and she waited for the person to call out her name. She said to herself I could run right now and never look back and do this thing the right way and do it by myself. The lady called her name and it went though her like a cold chill through her body. Shayla walked through the doors and they told her where to change her clothes and get into a gown. Shayla sat on the table she looked around at all the shiny and sharp instruments used to do what she was about to get done. The doctor walked in and talk to her by the time he got in she had put her clothes on and said doctor I can't do this,this is not right and she ran out scared ,but she knew she had did the right thing.

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    Charlie23 commented on Shayla


    I think it is better to be scared by what one could lose, than to be afraid of what one is about to gain! Well written!

    bforibus commented on Shayla


    this was a very good thought. i believe about a failed attempt at an abortion. definitely loved the feel of it. just wished it song more. but very gud read

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Lovethelord’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Shayla 3
    My Mother Geneva 2
    Time 1
    Growing into a woman 2
    Never Good Enough 2
    Fallen 0
    Thank You Lord! 3
    Emotional Override 2
    Hey You In The Mirror 2
    "My Child Alessia" 2