self examination


  • Art

    self examination

    Pleading insanity
    Sometimes right
    Something wrong?
    Who defines sanity? Abnormalities?
    Dissecting, studying, and finding a conclusion of the internal thought process.
    Finding patterns engraved like a road. It’s a smooth path that never seems to end.
    But instead of continuing it turns. Then the road goes to gravel, then dirt.
    Finally ending up on a nice narrow strait stretch.
    After careful examination, realizing this is the same road where it all began.
    Then after a short time back to the dirt.
    Again and again.
    Each time taking longer to find that nice peaceful road. Then discovering a trace of hope, to continue forward.

    Time passes
    The incisions now healed.
    Encountering a glitch.
    Reopening the wounds for more observation.
    Finding that same peaceful road, now down farther than previously explored.
    Discovering there is rough terrain, pot holes, and hills.
    Bump after bump I search for a cure. Then testing for the same trace elements previously found. It’s positive. I then smooth out the roughness and fill in the holes with that element known as hope.
    And continue forward.

    Time passes
    Now looking at the scars of my previous work,
    Knowing what to expect.
    The road will never continue to be perfect. It will always go up and down.
    Further testing on elements conclude there was also traces of faith.
    And with faith there will always be hope
    To continue forward.

    nottus mot 4-14-09

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    ansari commented on self examination


    I love it. its exploration of life profoundly analysed . thank you.

    MsLady749 commented on self examination


    This is creative and vivid. Tells an interesting story of oneself. I love it.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    nottus’s Poems (16)

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    a secret special hope 0
    self examination 2
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