Searching for a Reason to Live


Searching for a Reason to Live

My skies have darkened and become rainfilled
because of the longing to feel free.
I have been imprisoned by my own emotions
and hatred has filled my life.
I no longer care what might be ahead of me
because as of now my life is over.
It has become desolate and been devoured.
My soul has faced the devil himself
and has frightened him away.
This evil that has taken over my life
has changed everything that I knew.
It no longer matters what happens to me
because not even Hell will have me.
I look at the darkness that has fallen upon me
in search of some kind of light.
There is no such light ahead of me
but an eternity of hiding in the shadows
and cursing those smiling as they pass me.
It is the life of the heartless
that I am facing.
I have no heart
but a darkened tomb where it once lay.
It has been sacrificed one too many times
for the sake of others
but now it no longer exists.
The search continues for my reason to be here
for the reason that so many long for.
It is the search for my reason to live
that makes me continue on in this darkness
because I know somewhere I am bound
to stumble upon some kind of light
to help guide me to where I belong.

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

keithrberryjr’s Poems (46)

Title Comments
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Searching for a Reason to Live 0
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Your Knight 9
My Life 8
America 1
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Why 6
Broken 17
Your Eyes 1
Your Smile 4
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Because of You 3
To See You Smile 2
You 2
Never Let Tomorrow Get in the Way 0
Yes -1
Loving Everything About You 2
Falling Again 3
The Chatroom Blues 5
Just a Dream 3
Love 2
Trust 2
Unable to Survive 4
We Can Make It 1
Love Will Win 1
What You Mean To Me 15
Only You 2
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Missing You 3
Fall 2
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The Hardest Decision 2
A Goodnight Kiss 8
A Better Place 16