My Death


  • Death

    My Death

    Finally at the end of my rope
    I make the decision for my life to end.
    I'm no longer able to cope with living.
    Now holding the key to my future
    I load a single round.
    This has been too much to handle
    and now I'm ready to give up.
    Trying is no longer an option
    because it has done nothing
    but bring more pain.
    Holding this gun to my head
    and looking at myself in the mirror
    is more than I can take.
    I pull the trigger
    but nothing happens.
    I look down the barrel
    and then it comes.
    My body falls lifeless to the floor
    and is soon surrounded by blood.

    For whoever finds me
    tell my parents I'm sorry.
    Let my friends know I tried.
    I really did but I couldn't last.
    Loneliness was killing me.

    I feel my life slipping away
    and am not sure how much longer I have.
    I know this wasn't supposed to happen
    but it has.
    Everyone at my funeral needs to know
    I was a good person
    but folded under stress.
    I lost my love
    and I couldn't last alone.
    Getting over her
    was harder than I first thought.
    After she died
    my life crumbled before me.

    It's my time to go now.
    She is waiting for me in the horrizon
    waving for me to join her.
    I am finally free
    because -
    we have been -

    Poem Comments


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    minigirl695 commented on My Death


    I know it's hard to deal with the loneliness, I have been there. But you just have to grit your teeth and bare it. A fantastic poem. ~{@ Lia Cake @}~

    Milkman commented on My Death


    disturbing, but very real, we all at times get to that place of lonelyness that we cannot seem to shake, but life does go on new love is out there waiting to be found in small compassionate steps.....

    Footprints2002 commented on My Death


    Very Deep

    nakedtruth43 commented on My Death


    That is a lot of pain...I hope writing this relieved it.

    Tony commented on My Death


    awwww is really sad

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    keithrberryjr’s Poems (46)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Searching for a Reason to Live 0
    Ways to Die 8
    My Death 14
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    Your Knight 9
    My Life 8
    America 1
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    Why 6
    Broken 17
    Your Eyes 1
    Your Smile 4
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    Because of You 3
    To See You Smile 2
    You 2
    Never Let Tomorrow Get in the Way 0
    Yes -1
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    The Chatroom Blues 5
    Just a Dream 3
    Love 2
    Trust 2
    Unable to Survive 4
    We Can Make It 1
    Love Will Win 1
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