Scott's Poem - (an original cowboy)


  • Love
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  • Loss

    Poem Commentary

    I had the pleasure of working with Scott for a few years and he always reminded me of the Marlboro Man. He always seemed callous and hard but found the love of his life and married her and all too soon was taken away when he was stricken with Leukemia. It was a slow process and he fought hard. We spent many afternoons talking of horses and dogs. He trained reining horses and I know it was very hard on him when he could no longer ride his horse because it hurt so bad.

    Scott's Poem - (an original cowboy)



    Don’t cry for me after I’m gone

    But instead, think of me and smile.

    When certain things you hear or see

    Don’t shed a tear just think of me.


    Like a starry night in the fall,

    Or the sound of a hoot owl’s call.

    Smile and close your eyes

    When you see the next sunrise.


    Watch a beautiful sunset,

    Or listen to birds singing in the trees.

    Don’t shed a tear just think of me.

    When you hear that old horse of mine softly whiny

    Or hear his hoof beats in the dark;

    Don’t be sad, just smile and think of me.

    When the warm summer breeze brushes across on your face,

    Don’t worry, I’m in a better place.

    When you see the grass shimmering with dew

    Remember the day when we said “I do”

    And keep in your heart that I will be thinking of you.


                                                                              --Marla Chambers


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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    melaine’s Poems (3)

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    Scott's Poem - (an original cowboy) 0