Precious Memories


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It's hard when you get attached to animals and they become like family. It's so real you can talk to them and it seems they just know and do what you say. These 2 black labs lived to be 15 and 16. I had them before my daughter and when she was born the oldest one, Otis, always positioned himself between her cradle and anyone who came to visit. She got to grow up with them. I can't think of a better dog for a little kid to know. Very special. It's sad to see them grow old. They were of that group we call "One in a million."

Precious Memories


Precious Memories


It’s another holiday season and you’re not here;

Just the same as it was last year.


No whines in the kitchen wanting a tasty treat,

Just a memory now that is so bittersweet.


That place in the corner where your sweet head used to lay,

Is empty now and that’s how it will probably stay.


Your paw prints being tracked across the kitchen floor

I’d gladly clean it, if you could be there once more.


You’re not here to steal the balls off the Christmas tree,

Or rummage through the packages for your own special treat.


Just know that you will be remembered this holiday and every one to follow;

Because your absence creates a lump that’s just too hard to swallow.


Just a couple dogs, some say, I don’t think so.

Members of my family that to heaven had to go.


Happy Holidays to my Labs, Otis and Spooky,  our love never ends;

Your missed by me and all your furry friends.

 By: Marla Chambers


(Two Black Labs, Otis and Spooky that lived to be almost 16 yrs old)



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John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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