Saving Grace


Saving Grace

The conventions of man
hold him prisoner
of his
own making
creating inner turmoil
and demons
summoning up visions
of spiritual relief
the call of angels to hear
his prayers

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wheelsal commented on Saving Grace


Like this, in fact, love this. Left me thinking. Sally



again,thank you, it's very kind of you

gregaone commented on Saving Grace


simple yet marvelous..very descriptive yet quaint with a call for angels they would never need if not for themselves..brilliantly simply thought provoking..nice work



i gave this a 9 and am stunned to see it is overall only a 7.5..i am a very hard judge and very very rarely give a as i said i was stunned..then again..i look around in here and notice most "poets in here do not know a poem from a set of directions in a recipe..thanks for the GOOD poem



that's very kind of you,thank you

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Papillion’s Poems (28)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Tomatoes & Onions 0
Being 0
You 0
Ruminating Disgruntled 0
Banal Limrick 1
My Alzheimer CPU 0
Understanding and Be 0
Aye see you 0
Beingness and Nothing More Thank You 2
Fantasy Unfulfilled 1
Formidable Presence 1
Spare Moment in Time 1
Desacrate Me NoMore 1
A Happy Warmth 1
To Love and Be Loved 1
Yeah Right 1
Together As One 1
Dreaming 1
Quiet 1
Restless 0
Being 0
Staying Strong 1
Peaceful Soul 2
My Table of Contents 2
Clearer Perspective 1
Zen on Wheels 0
Saving Grace 3