Remind Me


  • Family

    Remind Me

    You remind me of me.
    You remind me of you.
    You remind me all The things life brings you is true.
    You remind me to think before I Speak.
    You remind me to eat before I drink.
    You remind to think About others and not all ways about yourself.
    You remind me of Things that I never thought before.
    You remind me of so much More.
    I will always love you for eternity plus way much more!!!

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    ladyd37 commented on Remind Me


    who r u referring to in this poem! sounds like they r very special 2 u!



    lolz. im referring to kind of my mom and many other people in my life

    28jimmy commented on Remind Me


    that was good




    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    babbette123’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Remind Me 2
    Wonder 1
    Tears 1
    Questions of Life 0
    That Place 2
    Questions of Me 0
    Do I? 0
    The Sounds, The Sights 0
    What Are You I Say? 0
    My Tears 0
    Having Love Tooken 0
    Confusion Eating My Mind 1