red the color of passion


  • Love

    red the color of passion

    red mmmm thats the color of passion,
    red mmm thats the color of affection,
    red mmm is the color of devotion,
    sure do look good on you,
    red is the fire of seeing my desire,
    can't help it looking at you,
    i feel so inspire ,

    what makes you wear,
    what makes you look so good,
    lady woman ,i am hot,
    gazing at you ,
    know wonder ,
    time has stop,

    your beauty is a sight to behold,
    red is the color of my soul,
    red is the reflection of you ,

    red is feelings if only you knew,
    what you are doing to me,
    i wish to taste the forbidding fruit,
    mmmm delicious,,
    spread kisses up and down,
    all round ,

    whats makes you wear red,
    got me reciting stranger words ,
    like covering my head,
    in that dress of red
    yes that warm feeling ,
    is me kissing you there
    mmm delicious ,

    all up and down ur inner thighs,
    from left to right,relax i don't mind
    while red is reflecting the sunlight
    peace wizthom@o8


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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    wizthom’s Poems (24)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    poetic words from a poetic soul 2
    opposites attract male and female 0
    farewell but ur songs lives on m jackson 0
    red the color of passion 0
    a man plead for woman 0
    a poet soul 0
    like a fathers arms 0
    father daughter time 0
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    wizthom loveology 1
    mmm baby black cat 2
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