a poet soul


a poet soul

i took a good look at my life and times,
saw  precious moments passing me by
spent days on end wondering the streets,
hoping peace i would meet,
as a man who must live,
i did all i could cause i knew i would,
rise above it all,
it takes a strong person,
to face their demons,
it takes a true person ,
to over come them,
like Jesus i had my share ,
of trails and tribulations,
like the sinner ,
i been lost without direction,
forty days ,forty nights,
seemed like a life time,
for anyone to be lost,
to come to the cross road of faults,
i looked in the mirror ,
and the person i saw,
was me.was me,
begging for a change,
that's when i knew,
 i had to do something for the pain
rid myself of the blues to start a new,
picked up my pen to change the mood ,
began writing those feeling within,
I'm here to tell you,
 that's when GOD took over,
he said son i will tear you down ,
so that i can build you a new,
i will  prune the bush ,
so the  flowers will bloom.,
words of  wisdom,are like pearls to kingdoms,
rise up my son Ur time has  arrived,
to be an inspiration,
a beacon of motivations,
to the masses who needs to listen,
it takes a strong person,
to face their demons,
it takes a true person ,
to over come them,
peace wisemanspeeks@protectedo7 aka wizthom


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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

wizthom’s Poems (24)

Title Comments
Title Comments
too busy thinking bout my baby 1
poetic words from a poetic soul 2
opposites attract male and female 0
farewell but ur songs lives on m jackson 0
red the color of passion 0
a man plead for woman 0
a poet soul 0
like a fathers arms 0
father daughter time 0
i'm free 0
my evil twin 0
wizthom loveology 1
mmm baby black cat 2
hydrostatics 2
manage my blessings 1
we are one 2
only in my dreams 0
no never 1
just when you think 1
love is a wonder 1
it's every man for himself 0
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