

  • Love


    Can you be alone?
    And if so can you be alone till your old.
    Does the lable girlfriend mean a thing if friends are good why not remain?
    when the lable change do the feelings do?
    Or is it suppose to because the other person is feeling you?
    Do you know if your rushing?
    Or you just cant wait?
    Is it just a moment?
    But now its too late!
    Are you willing to say how you feel?
    If  your emotions is not deep will you keep it real?
    If what i be feeling is insane !
    Tell me who i am to blame.

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    Chaos128 commented on realtionships


    Navigating feelings is rough road, strawb3rry14, even for the experienced. Your poem asks all the right questions; problem is, there are no right answers. All you can do is flash the flags that work for you. I really like it... if it wasn't for the typos I would have loved it.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    strawb3rry14’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Grandma♥ 0
    Ready 0
    why would ju 0
    long distance 0
    love'z Finding 0
    Big step 0
    i wanna know 2
    when I 0
    realtionships 1
    you make me 1