love'z Finding


  • Love

    love'z Finding

    How do you ju jnoe jur really loved? And jus kuz somebody tell you they do should ju believe it? Whatz the reason for love when people dont show it? why do love control jur mind and soul? And why do we as people accept it when itz told ? When can we learn to LOVE all? Why do love seem young but yet so old? when is it smart to love ? can we trust the people we love all the time? Is love the new trend that ppl use at short times?Can we reley on love when we got nothing? WHERE CAN LOVE TAKE JU? Becuz i jnoe where it got me !!

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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    Grandma♥ 0
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    why would ju 0
    long distance 0
    love'z Finding 0
    Big step 0
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