

  • Happiness


    H is for the Harmony that makes our heart sing.
    A is for the Ability to cope with what life brings.
    P is for the Passion that is share by two.
    P is for the Patience that will help you through
    I is for the Intimacy that holds us forever.
    N is for the Natural way we are when together.
    E is for the Exhilaration that generates in you.
    S is for the Sunshine that washes away the blues.
    S is for the Sadness you will take away.
    To bring me joy and happness each and every day.

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    Wakeitha commented on "Happiness"


    Bautiful words and thoughts. The words are so amazing and real thoughts a person can feel from the inside.

    fallenlove commented on "Happiness"


    i like this poem. it shows a lot of thought. it still flows well and i like that too. all in all, very good.



    thank you very much fallen, I try to make it meaningful, I appreciate the comment, thanks

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    mlbsweets’s Poems (13)

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    "Happiness" 2