

  • Loss


    What can be said about a man who lived every day as if it would be his last until finally it was.
    What can be said about a father who loved his kids so much he would give his life for them and he did.
    What can be said about a man who said he would love a woman till his dying day and kept his promise?
    What do you say when you can’t take back the past or move to the future unless he’s there and he’s gone...
    How do you sleep when all you see is his face?
    How do you breathe when all you can smell is his favorite scent?
    And how do you become strong when all your strength lies with him and he will never return
    How do you smile when he was all that made you happy?
    How do you live when his life has ended so quickly?
    How do you stop the tears when all that is in front of you is sorrow?
    How can I be me when he made me who i am and he is not here to finish what he started?

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    akayakar commented on questions


    Ambra~ This was very good! I scanned your titiles and thought this was the teast depressing, so I read it. I liked it. BRAVO!



    thanks i have been going through alot the past few years so hopefully the depressing stage will end soon

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    ambra’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Emotions of a dream 0
    questions 1
    My heart 0
    Broken hearted 1
    A thought 1