Emotions of a dream


  • Emotional

    Emotions of a dream

    My dreams are haunted by the memories of yesteryear. A voice pierces me as if to say you were right here. so real.. i awaken still left with your touch warm against my skin. my heart is rapid, could it be true? Are you saying good bye or should i look for you? Time was never patient, rushing past, never stopping for a second to let the moment last. The taste of your kiss fresh upon my lips, the pieces of my heart keep breaking, and the tears steadily fall. sleep frightens me and daylight captures the pain. i am stuck in limbo. I think i have gone insane. life for me has become trivial, not important when compared. All i wished to accomplish, now i don't care. The images i carry have taken over, the loss of you my obsession. Death i await you, be my salvation.

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    ambra’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Emotions of a dream 0
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    My heart 0
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