Prove it


Prove it

Prove it-
why would he love you?
you are nothing but hatrid and acts described as dispicable.
You say we are all forgiven
Really we are all spat upon

Arms wrapped around you-
Really its just the warmth of dissapointment and falsities
why lie?
its not just you we are all alone.

I dont care what you say im not budgin
I have asked for help when i needed nothing but aid
Dreams of ending it all were almost made
Join me lets all be kermudgen

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Qualin commented on Prove it


catholic huh? There will come a time you will budge...remember my friend I told you...apparently you ahve been spit upon as you say,but it is a walk thro central park compared to hell Please dont take this as negative to your feelings Im just hoping and I will be praying for you this week..look around and compare the phrophesy to the events in the world at the present time...there is more to the Gospel than hugs and God Loves you very much more although he does Love you and he cannot lie you ahve a life time ahead of you take it....take a friend that will ALWAYS BE THERE...a friend I hope Qualin.on your concern and write I give you a 10 because I feel it is from the heart!!!!

Kaylimazza commented on Prove it


Wow there's sooooo much you can do with just a small poem huh? great job on this too!

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

JosephGiovino’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The River 0
Prove it 2
R-E-A-L-I-T-Y 1
Cradle to Grave 1
My minds not a well 1
Love esoteric 2
Whats soon to come 2
A New Beginning 3