sewasa’s Profile

  • Age: 70
  • Location: Point Pleasant, PA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I live in a small village in the woods along the Delaware river My home is over 345 years old it has a colorfull history .iI's been many things amoungs them a waylay station to change horses on the way south to Phila. or north to Easten Pa. At that time it was a 1 room hovel bilt into the cliff .As time wore on the many people who lived here (mostly Native American ) have added there own felling to the home , me included. Two of my passions are writting songs and poetry But I do love my art as well .Some of it can be found in the Indian museum in D.C.and the Museum of Natural History in New York City .Autum is my most love season and I thrill in the colors , weather and smell .Winter isn't far behind .The smell of wood smoke warm country foods and the silence of snow . Icey roads not so much .But good with bad thats what makes it wonderious


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BigDaddyCash profile comment


Dear Friend, You're welcome at my domain whenever you please . So come and visit and relax and be at your ease. You can get up when you're ready and go when you wish. I'll gladly share what I have with you whatever the dish. There is a saying " A leaks in the roof but the soup in the pot." Since you're my friend you are welcome to share all that I've got I'll tell you my poems and short stories and you can laugh at my jokes. Take your shoes off and make yourself cozy your my kind of folks. I’m having a ball reading all the poetry and short stories I find on this site. Just getting around to all my friends will take a wonderful forever. Most of my friends are fans who have followed be from facebook, twitter, webook, automony, lulu and nine of my own sites At present I have over 500 talented friends and I get more and more each day. I visit at least ten a day and leave comments but the equation is tilted so I may never get to visit the same friend again unless by request. LOL, BDC

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

sewasa’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
2 nude biker chicks 0
Forget not 1
Scrufty Old Man 1
A cold Christmas day 1