morrelital’s Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Location: Rockwall, TX
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I'm enjoying life. Everything is where it should be. I'm a dad with the coolest little guy and thats what its all about. My passions for hard rain with its loud booms and writing of ancient forest and twisted dimensions keep me intouch with wonder. I enjoy the classics of chaotic and challenging piano concertos such as the Rach #3, Hungarian Rhapsody and others. Spanish classical guitar is amazing too. I could listen to Tool for hours. My son is the most important thing in my life outside of my own welbeing. He needs a healthy Papi so I have no drama. I have a non-profit that I founded focusing on Orthomolecular nutrients that can be available to mental health patience and poverty stricken citizens that have poor health benfits with frequent emergency room visits. I hope to one day have a real impact on my planet and issues that I support. Along the way I hope to meet many real people and just live long.


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

morrelital’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Cultivate a grain 0
The babe 0
The babe 0
The babe 0
Often in Deep Snow 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 1
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 1
An Eve of Effortless Props 0
An Eve of Effortless Props 0