gmsmiley1’s Profile

  • Age: 59
  • Location: Akeley, MN
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a woman who searched and finally found herself in Northern Minnesota. I think it is very beautiful here. People are nice and we found out very generous. My family had a fire and we lost our home in Janruary. The support we received from this community was touching and can never be repaid. This whole community should be commended for the great people and great acts of kindness that we all received. I am lucky and so is my family we are all alive and thanks to my dad having great insurance almost everything we lost has been replaced. In June we will be moving into a brand new home....We have been blessed to turn a tradgedy into something totally positive. Thanks to these wonderful people here I believe that there are good people if you really ask for help. All 8 of us made it out of the fire alive along with my parents dog, Miss Precious and also our bunny that was saved by a wonderful fire fighter in Akeley, Minnesota. I am happy that we have all we do and that my family is safe today. We all have nice new things and are moving into a better house than the other one was thanks to a great move on my dad's part. I love it for the beauty but have done little socializing since I have been here. Summer is coming we are headed for the beaches and lakes to swim and fish, camp and have lots of fun. So look out here comes my huge family!!!!!


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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gmsmiley1’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
How are we gonna save the kids???? 0
My love goes on 0
It's just me 0

gmsmiley1’s Friends (1)