danyfrog’s Profile

  • Age: 32
  • Location: Squiggle, Al
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Most of my poems are about my journey in love. Heartbreak was about my first boyfriend ever transitioning into my second relationship that lasted 3yrs. Shattered was about the ending of that relationship and so is Read Between the Lies, Over You is about a guy that I almost left my second love for, but he betrayed me. Perfect was about my recent x, I loved him with everything in me, but as you read Again, you see that it ended. Pretty Mess was the state I was in when another guy tried to come into my life but I was so messed up I couldnt even give him a chance. Last but not least Inside Out And Backwards is about me now.

My mind is out there, but Im a pretty normal down to earth girl with great goals and a plan to get to them.

Love and heartbreak is my trigger to write. It starts out wit two or four lines and I go from there, the poem usually reveals itself as I put words and feelings and rhymes together. Its almost like the poem writes itself.

Let me know what you think=)
I read all my comments and appreciate your opinions.



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freemansvoice profile comment


I was married for 11 years, misery. At least i have my re I started writing in grade school ward. Six beautiful grandchildren. Nothing good comes easy.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

danyfrog’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mine 0
Inside out and backwards 2
-Heartbreak- 1
-Over You- 1
-Shattered- 0
-Read Between The Lies- 1
-Perfect- 1
-Again- 1
-A Pretty Mess- 1