RisingSun’s Profile

  • Age: 40
  • Location: Sacramento, CA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Born and raised in beautiful california! Moved to the island of maui when I was 21 and stayed there for 3 years. I gotta give mad respect to mama maui for teaching me so many life lessons. I learned so much about who I am and where I want to go in this life. She has been my savior! Currently I'm back in california. Living in sacramento. I also sing as well as write poetry(obviously). I just want to enjoy life, grow spiritually,mentally,any other growing that enhanes my being! Life is trully an amazing gift once you start living it with conscious positive thinking and living. Compassion for others is so very important! Because you can only recieve when you start giving.


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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

RisingSun’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Woman 0
Habits 0
Drink me 3
Letting go to embrace me 1