Michelangelo’s Profile

  • Age: 62
  • Location: Ellenville, NY
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Michel Angelo Valdez
I was born September 29, 1961
To an Puerto Rican American Indian woman named Regina Bird and to a Cuban immigrant man named Jose Valdez, I was born in the old Lincoln Hospital located in the Bronx New York City. {The old building no longer exists}.
I have four brothers; my oldest half brother named Raymond Valdez who was adopted by Yankee pitcher and is adopted name is Raymond Negron who works for the franchise today. My brother Malcolm Keith Valdez Bruce Burgos and James Burgos and we have two sisters one we know Evette Valdez and one we never met our other sister named Maria Valdez.. My wife Eneida and I moved to a little village upstate named Ellenville New York with our ten children to try and break my chains of addiction, the oldest son Angel stood in the city with his grandmother. in 90 came Maria in 91 came James and Adam in 92 and came Lucas In 92. Now dissabled cuase an acccident -I Got hurt at work in 2001 and it was after 9/11that i started writing my second book The Battle for the Americas' and the first i would Self Publish and today I Published my second Book called Radical Islam and the Battle for the Americas'/ The completed Saga, and These book was written in what I believe to be in its true American poetic style of writing with some of what I consider The Poetries of the Last Americans which are Special poems I’ve written for this book or restructure for this Book from my non- published book of poetries called “Through the Eye’s of an Addict/the poetries and philosophies’ of Mikie and Me. {my true story and fight for sabrioty}
The rise of terror, World economy free fall, the separation of God state and man, the socialization of the worlds largest free markets and banks the bail outs and spending, 2009 a new democratic President and the hatred for the last president, the call from democrats for the head of this last president and his administration, Global Warming, Nuclear Threat –these Evils of this non-fictional world –How bad will it get? Well ! This book will examine that possibility of a World Invasion due to our Blind eye of justice and the freedom of speech cause of scared politics and the twisted lies our tongues have us forgetting GOD and who we are as a free people and this fictional book will turn the pages of history from past to future with that same greatness our fore fathers once fought for- Gods great right of freedom.
Follow we the last Americans in this epic battle for freedom once more. For in the near future all this might come to be. A world invasion –


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Michelangelo’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Flight of an Eagle. From Rt.209 0
Where Angels Play 0
Long will be the nights/ 9/11 0

Michelangelo’s Friends (1)