LostAngel24013’s Profile

  • Age: 63
  • Location: Roanoke, VA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


How do I describe me? Let me count the ways... :) I love to laugh! I sell Avon full time! I am very happily married! I have 3 beautiful, fun, crazy kids who entertain me constantly! I have 2 adorable, 'make-me-smile' grandchildren, Anthony - 4 years old, the light of my life... a full-time entertainer who's ALL BOY! And Jada, 1 year old (already!), how time flies! She is beautiful and extremely spoiled :) We all live under one roof so they consume much of my time! I have lived a wild, and crazy existance, so far, with many wonderul and horrible adventures. I have been told constantly to write a book, but where do I find the time??? LOL I have written quite a few poems in my day and I absolutely love reading poems to feel other peoples feelings thru their words! I am very insightful about people and am most definitely a people-person! I look forward to making some new friends and being able to share some of my most sacred thoughts in here along the way! Bless all who read this!


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

LostAngel24013’s Poems (1)

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