Kassandra’s Profile

more poems coming soon...

  • Age: 29
  • Location: Hartford, CT
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


My NAM3 iS KASSANDRA R0DRiGU3Z. ii WAS.z. B0RN iN HARtF0Rdd C0NN3TiCUt ND&& ii AM 14 y3ARS.z, 0Ldd. ii HAV3 tW0 BR0tH3RS.z. 3SP3CAiLLy ii AM V3Ry 3M0Ti0NAl WH3N iT C0M3S.z. t0 SAdd tHiNGS.z. LiK3 M0Vi3S N B00kS.z., t00. ii G0 t0 A.i.PRiNC3 t3CHN. HiGH Sk00L. ii A FR3SHM3N At HiGH Sk00l. ii L0V3 t0 WRiT3 P03tRy N L0V3 R3ADiNG tH3M, t00. ii'V3 B33N WRiTiNG P03MS.z. SiNC3 tW0 y3ARS.z. AG0. ND&& WRiTiNG P03MS.z. MAk3 M3 F33l LiK3 A R3Li3F HAS.z. G0N3 0FF My SH0ULD3R. ND ii L0V3 iT S0 MUCH. ii JUSt FiNiSH3D D0iNG My tW0 P03MS.z. CALl3D: 1 t3AR ND&& R0S3S.z. AR3 R3D. H0P3 yUH ALl LiK3 tH3M.


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ShadowRider01 profile comment


So you are going to be a freshmen huh? Well if you have any ouestions on how that is you can ask me:) I wont mind:)



S0RRy 4 tH3 WAiT ii HAV3Nt B33N 0N tH3 CUMPUt3R 4 AtL3ASt 2 W33KS N tHANX tHAt W0ULD B3 V3Ry tHANKFULL 0F yUH

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Kassandra’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
nameless 4
1 t3AR... 5
Roses were red... 3