Ireezy’s Profile

Ireezy is Ireezy no one cn change It

  • Age: 33
  • Location: San Bernardino, CA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Hey plp a friend of mine and myself are looking for writters of all ages in san bernardino and surounding areas.Our main goal is to help plp find something better to do then hang in the streets. We will get together (base on everbodies schedule) and work n our writting(basically enhance it) we wil also learn how to present our work. We plan to have open mic nights and show cases for our club.competitions and much more and eventually opening up a lounge/club house so we will have our own space..well if you think this might be something you are interested in being apart of email me at or get in my inbox

About mee hmmm lets see..i have a crazy life..ive been through ups and downs tht have lead me to be who i am..but a warm spirit..i like to laugh and have fun.. im probablly one of the wierdess plp u will eva meet..well thts at leat wt my friends say..ima very cool person to tlk to..n ipretty much chill wit all types of plp...well get in my in box for anythingelse


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Ireezy’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
questions 1
Coaster 0
Dreams 0
Frotin 0
Love?? 0
Tyme 0
Can You Guess 0
p In The Night
Battle 0
Tierd 0
Father I Forgive You 0
Dear, Stranger p2 0
Dear, stranger 1