DebraLee’s Profile

  • Age: 62
  • Location: Wise, NY
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Sometimes as I sit words just come to my mind and I write. A friend told me to start sharing some of them. I've lived a full life so far and have many things to tell. I find myself blessed in so many ways,thankful doesn't even fit to describe how I feel.
I live life lovin, laughin and learning everyday. I'm looking forward to laughing, being inspired and growth from what is read here. ~Peace n Joy 2 ya's~

[in the pix] Profile pic...
***Sept "08" fun in S.Jersey with my kids
***In a thinkin mood,hmm...will I write tonite?
***My Grandkids in NJ Spring "11"


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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

DebraLee’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Let me feel Euphoria 1
Enough's Enuf - Me and JC won't back down! 1
Reflections 1