BeautifulAngel’s Profile

  • Age: 32
  • Location: La Vergne, TN
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


who am i? Thats better answered by what am i. i am a girl, i am a poet, a auther, a runner, basicly, i'm whatever i put my mind to. My favorite skills is how good of a friend i can be. I listen and then, if you want help, i give advice. I love to read, i don't know what i do more of, reading or writing. I love to stay busy and i hate when i get hurt cause then i can't move around and i'm basicly useless. I like putting myself against guys. If a guy can benchpress 100, then i'm going to try to benchpress 120. If a guy can get an B in a class i have trouble in, well, i'll work harder and get an A+. I make it my work to show that girls and guys can do anything, should they only try. My poetry is written mostly on what i feel at the time. alot of it has to do with others but, i can't make poetry on a whim, only when my mind decides. I love running, and even though i've had a doctor and physical theropist tell me i'll never run again, everyday, i go out on the track and train for the 100 yard dash. Its a dream to finally bring home a trophy and show that i can do something when told i couldn't. I love animals, i have 4 cats, 1 dog, a snake and a spider. I'm not like normal girls. I don't fuss about hair or makeup and given the chance, i will play in the mud with my dog or play mud football. anything i missed, just message me and ask


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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

BeautifulAngel’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hatred 0
Hatred 0
Deep Within 1
You Asked, I Answered 0
My Secret 1
Run 1
Noticing Me 3
I Am 2
You and Me 1
My mind 0
Guardian Angel 1
Look at Me 0
One True Me 1
I Love You 1
Telling The Tale 1