Apple29’s Profile

john 3:16. my personal favorite

  • Age: 40
  • Location: Maui, Ca
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


The wind catches the bottom of my sundress as I walk out of the store.
I just shove it back down mindlessly
for my eyes and mind are already looking across the way.
A place where I hugged you and sighed so briefly into the top of your shoulder
A sigh of, finally I have found my home.
A sigh of, will you wait for me?
A sigh of, I'm so sorry. I know this is not going to be easy.
A sigh of, I love how you hold me.


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windsongs profile comment


Hugs are like a rainbow from far off, i felt it like reflection and refraction of the suns rays inside a raindrop, the site and embracing of the warm color is a scintillating experience.Hey Hugs, better than rainbows :)

Diffuse profile comment


It grasped me and scratched my scars, those lines in your biography. memorymimicry.

Kingwebstar profile comment


Love ya soooooo much

EyesOfRain profile comment


Very pretty poem Apple29. I love how you set the scene before commencing. I hope you post some more soon!



Thank you! I was actually there, had the idea as I was walking out of the store and the wind was blowing. I have so many memories of him in many places...real and imaginary. I realize it's corny but I see him in everything.

Apple29 profile comment


Wow King! That's exactly what I was gonna title it:) It's like you can read my mind... Yep, gots da internet. I'll be surfin it frequently! Lol



Awesome !!!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Apple29’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Poem of Christ 1
Blue Ribbon 3
The Shearing 6
Arms of Love 2
Pink Lady 6