Pink Lady


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    Trees have always been one of the most beautiful things in nature to me. Sometimes they whisper, and sometimes they howl, but they are a integral part of our landscape.

    Pink Lady

    Many have passed the tree
    Some stopping for shade
    Some picking fruit selfishly

    Wise like the willow
    Strong as a cross of oak and pine
    Heart soft as a pillow

    As the years grew high
    She stood there, bending, never breaking
    Waiting to not be a tree, but the apple of his eye.

    Poem Comments


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    Kingwebstar commented on Pink Lady


    So true I love trees hate when they cut them down and leave animals homeless :( Awesome write Love KinG

    EyesOfRain commented on Pink Lady


    Wow this short piece is PACKED with metaphor and meaning! Very nicely done! I especially liked the last verse where the realization that the tree is not a "tree" kicks in and the whole meaning has shifted. Very nice!

    StandingBear commented on Pink Lady


    A brilliantly written metaphoric work, woven together perfectly! A bit Lady Guienniviere-ish! Awesome!



    Thank you. Interesting you would use her name...I was her for a costume party a few years ago and then re-used the dress for a different character for Halloween of '11. Thank you for the comment. I haven't written anything in a few days. i think I might be numb.



    Aha, my esp is intact! j/k ... I imagine you really felt the character parts wearing the dress on both occasions. Comfortably numb!

    Brianandhiscats commented on Pink Lady


    I like that. Tell me about the 'he'. Or was that a generic 'he'? I'm thinking the tree is a metaphor? X



    Oh no, not generic. "He" is the love of my life. He was made for me and only me. He is briliant, handsome,funny, smart and has the MOST beautiful blue eyes

    lisaner commented on Pink Lady


    Wonderful writing- such power in the brevity of this! Down with those selfish fruit pickers who fail to see that the Pink Lady is the crispest, sweetest, most perfect apple of all!!



    Thank you. Some prefer galas, fuji or braeburn, but personally, I think pink ladies are the best. Thanks for reading and commenting. I am not feeling poetic today for some reason.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Apple29’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Poem of Christ 1
    Blue Ribbon 3
    The Shearing 6
    Arms of Love 2
    Pink Lady 6