


I have sat at the edge of nothingness
and heard music from the pier you
play your songs to somthing that
should have been long since forgotten.
With use of metaphors hiding the true
meaning of what nothing could have been.
Bearing the balance of unrelated topics in
order to divert listening eyes, but I still

Is that your angel dust on my shoulder?
or is that the ash from the bridges I've
burned? Either way I've felt how awful
goodness is. Facing the the truth
is facing the fact that we are human
my eyes burn at the sight of it. I have
felt your soul burn through my eyes.
It felt amazing the way you lingered
in my mind.

So i emptied my pockets of shells
to give some lost creature a place
to stay for a while. I wish I could
have held on to these places longer
but there's no point in holding shells
where nothing resides.

I just wanted to make things better
I just wanted to bring life to the words
I told you.
I didn't mean to plant bombs on bridges
that where already burning.

I wish to hear your violin again. I heard
your music stop for a while. But I still
hear those tunes in my head. Playing
like a record that won't stop spinning.
Pinning the points where you said
nothing existed between us.

My doubt shadow disagrees.
I know you felt the breeze between us
I remember you clinging to my side when
your nose itched. I remember stitching
my thoughts with my heart when you left

I sit at the edge of nothingness starring
at the empty shells you gave me. From
a past you long since forgotten. A past
that I'm sorry I still remember.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Mypenurpaper’s Poems (14)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Divide 1
Gatekeeper 2
Pits 1
Symmetrical 3
Awakening (The Spiritual Renaissance ) 2
Darkest Waters 3
Fragile Dreams 1
Fragile Thoughts 2
Last Goodbye 1
Starless 1
On parade 1
Covenant 0
Connect 1
Anger and Solitude 1