Pain is my reward for the way I lived my life.
Pain is the price I paid while trying to relieve my strife.

Emotions may come and emotions may go
But pain follows me closer than my own shadow

Pain brings you back to reality if you start to feel too good
Its the anxiety you feel when you're in the wrong neighborhood.

Pain never sleeps, it never goes to bed
It plays with your mind and spins around your head

I've got nothing to lose, just peace to gain
If I can find a way to help stop the pain

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earthly commented on PAIN


Pain, whether physical, mental, or spiritual is ever present and can take over if we let it-take care...Earthly

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

NightFlight’s Poems (5)

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