Old Sayings!


Old Sayings!

Nothing like a good old saying to put you back in your place.
They can bring you back to reality like a slap in the face.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
I dont want  to think of all I've blown, let's not get started.

"Can't change a sows ear into a silk purse."
I've tried so many times, it's my personal curse

"The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence."
But if stayed on my side things woulda made a lot more sense

So when things get tough and I leel like I'm straying.
I'll pray real hard to think of a good old saying.

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earthly commented on Old Sayings!


hand I especially loved some of my Grammie's old sayings-like "wih in one

am2anangel commented on Old Sayings!


loved it. welcome to op I assume you're new. please check out my work. I hope you post more soon. I really liked not only the message in this one but the flow and style too well done.

WordSlinger commented on Old Sayings!


Before you are hired you hear the sound You are fired before you hit the ground lol, from my poem Roofers Like It Hot' ty WS



I can relate. My exfather in law was a roofer and he was tough as hell on those guys. I'm from Philly where every mother's son has some done roofing in his day. Tough work. Those guys can be on the roof ar 6am, drunk by 9.30, and have the job done at 1.30 and in the bar by 2pm. They make pirates look like sissies.

Tempy commented on Old Sayings!


sometimes the grass really is greener but its not just the grass you go to the other side for

UnworthyFather commented on Old Sayings!


"If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned", comes to my mind. No telling how many times I heard those words growing up. Great Poem. What you said is truth. Many an old saying has been used to try to slap me back to reality... some worked, some didn't. Thanks for sharing.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

NightFlight’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Think before you Drink! 1
The Bill Collector 2
Snowed In 0
Old Sayings! 6