

  • Other


    Angels acting against any absolute association adjusting Americans attitudes,
    Blaphemors blindly believe babble before breathing but begin backtracking beliefs behold, be,
    Constantly confused, concerning common crime communicating consciously, calmly,
    Drifting down dead dreams, dumbing down democracy, damn demons driving divine duality delivering devilish dilemma's,
    Extracting extra energy evading every exit, exisiting entrirely evil eventually ending Earths existence,
    Fantasies fantasizing fortune for fame, fumbling fragile faith formulating false forgiveness forever,
    Glorious God gaining ground going good, grabbing Gods good graces,
    Holding hope holding hands handing hollow humans happiness humans however have held happiness hostage,
    Incredibly iconic illustrating illuminatic illusions immediately intimidating innocent,
    Jailbirds jeaslously juggling jabs,
    Killing Kings, killing Kennedys, killing kids, kindness killing kindness,
    Losing love, looming lullabies, left looking lonely leading lost lives learning lifes lessons,
    Makeup messiahs, meschief makers maintaining  mindless masses, man magnificicently masking malicious motives,
    Noname nobodies neglected negatively neglecting nations needs,
    Organized oppositions outlast obsolete options, outdated opinions, on other,
    Peoples purpose politicians purposely  procrastinate providing poor people poor politics,  poor product production, plotted purposely, planned played perfectly,
    Quality questions quizzing quality questioning,
    Revealing right roads, rhyme right rich rappers, rules, regulations respect reaching royalty,
    Stealing Satans sanity, soul squeezing, sometimes seeking sweet solitude, seeking sunshine, seeing Shangri La,
    Tremble today telling time to takeover, to trust Thomas tragedy to this thugs trusty trigger, truthfully, 
    Utterly unhappy ultimately under unholy umbrellas uplifting Utopia,
    Verifying violent vibes,
    Wise words washing wasted wishes wondering why we watch war warp worlds,
    Zombified Zealots........ 

    Poem Comments


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    Phission commented on Ordinance


    you are a crazy person ! a beautiful, genuine crazy person. how did you do this ? i love this write.



    It took me awhile went from 6 pages to 4 pages to 2 pages then this final. Thanks for liking it I just wanted to do something different while reflecting what I see in the world. Thank you for your appreciation. I really appreciate it thanks you.

    Tempestlady commented on Ordinance


    Kewl.... alphabetical form, liked that you were still able to get your political slant to come through the form and rhymes. Write on....Tlady

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Logik’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Illuminatic Dreams 1
    Ordinance 2
    Writers Block 3
    Will This Once Upon A Time 5
    The Prayer 2
    The Garden Of Blue Roses 3
    Dirty Hands 3