One night stand girl


  • Erotic

    One night stand girl

    His lips tasted like carmex
    My heart pounded in my chest

    I didnt need a boyfriend
    I just wanted him for sex

    I didnt know him well
    didnt care where he was from

    I just wanted him in me
    wanted him to make me cum

    My head felt kinda blurry
    I wished that he would hurry

    The pounding he would give me I knew would barely last
    I wanted him to do it even if it would be fast

    Then he pushed up in me and took my breath away
    Its all that I had wanted and needed from this day

    He thinks Im just a nympho but he does it any way
    back here in the bathroom what would his dear wife say

    He pounded me so hard I think I almost cried
    Tomorrow Ill be here again to find another ride.

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    poetheart87 commented on One night stand girl


    Your wantoness makes me laugh, surely we have all been there at least once. Good flowing lyrics makes this piece and I loved your writing. Keep on writing.

    MsKrystle commented on One night stand girl


    WOW....I really like this poem.....the flow is real nice......a very good one night stand. So good you want seconds. Good read

    photochick commented on One night stand girl


    great write and love the intense feelings lol damn talk about being blunt lol loved it going to read more of your work for sure

    Morris commented on One night stand girl


    wow thats a hot poem mom dont tell the kids where you been ---m

    PRober commented on One night stand girl


    LOL! great write... I like, very erotically motivated indeed!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Socialmomof3’s Poems (3)

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