Once Upon a Sunset


  • Nature

    Once Upon a Sunset

    Once upon a striking sunset
    I was set to get my gut wet 
    Just as I turned to go inside
    This sight could not be cast aside

    Never seen a scenery like it
    A synergy no art can beat 
    I saw a river in the cloud
    A visual illusion so loud
    The brilliant colour of the sunset
    That orange so fluid and wet
    Stained the sea in the sky
    The blue black shore line
    Littered this rich sky mine
    Not sure I saw a blue boat
    Near the cloudy shore afloat
    It was then I thought
    God must be a joker
    Or one helluva painter
    To carve a canvas from the clouds
    And the sun rays His paint
    Coming out a moment later
    The clouds had been put assunder
    And my golden orange river
    Vanished like a mirage in the Sahara
    And what seemed like a body of water
    Could now pass for the ozone layer

    Even though the clouds played clowns
    In God's beautiful blazing art 
    That transient art grips my heart
    As it craves for an encore
    For no sketcher could sketch more
    And all paintings would rate poor
    Beside what my lucky eyes beheld
    On that beautiful sunset


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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Seun’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Toy Soldier 0
    Once Upon a Sunset 0
    Love is 0
    Tears from the sky 0
    My Fallen Angel 1
    The Beauty of Innocence 0
    A Frustrated Man's Plight 0
    Queen of My Heart 0
    Nightmare 2
    My Definition of Love 0

    Seun’s Friends (2)