  • Life



    Been feeling bad to worse

    Day breaks are becoming a curse

    Are the clouds crying again?

    I feel so cold as the skies starts to rain


    Palms sweat, ears ring

    My skull leaks out an awful scream

    How long will you stride, how mighty is your pride?

    Will it be as tall when pain eats your might?


    Sleepless as weakness seeps in

    Through muscle and bone, built and frame

    Fingers and toes twitch speedily now

    Chilling under the heat of the sun


    Gall of gods and kidney stones

    Immobile spine straightly moves alone

    Spasm, anyone? I got tons to spare

    Vomiting is one talent I can share


    Upsets to more than my stomach

    The stigma of red eyes that've seen much

    Sore from heart up to the throat

    Little viruses on my hemogoblin afloat


    Chest pains have become my friend

    Them little palpitations are an evil fiend

    Wake me up as I become afraid

    It is too soon for it to end?


    For dreams of running in the wild

    A treasure too good to find

    My hope of air grasping behind

    Every wall, shamefully declined


    No, my pride does not condescend

    It will not pull itself down to the end

    Nope ,i wont be going down see

    I'm just going to stay here, leave me be




    Note To Self:Go See a D.

    Octo 1-stackers ew

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    sequelrio’s Poems (31)

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