Let me count the ways


Let me count the ways




  The number of rain that falls

Infinite as it may seem

The number of times they tap dance on your roof

Can be but the same times they kiss the ground clean



Are but slow when you dream

But when you wake they start claiming

The moments that pass you by, as a team



  The cells in your body

As it compose a single strand of your hair

The grain of salt in the sea

And the number of words in a day you hear


  The tides that rise and flow 

The changing seasons, summer,winter, spring and fall

In countless repetitions of infinite calls

The waning moon and shining sun's endless shows


  The number of breaths in a lifetime

The number of words that're written in rhyme

Songs of souls who long for emotive response

The wisdom in every melody created by time


How much do i love thee, let me count the ways

Infinite as molecules of a single breeze of air

Surely as the number of sunrises and all time's sunsets

I love you,in a number to count in a lifetime, would be unfair.



Loving you much


Before we travel to eastwood



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gogant commented on Let me count the ways


Well, if she didn't know how much you loved her, I'm sure she knows now. A very tender piece of poetry, my friend.................g



Thanks! I try my best to love her more each day

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

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