

  • intellaspy
  • is sorry to all her new friends here.. I have been swamped at work and have not had time to chat much.


Hush my love

Be still, no sound

Let me see you here

Within my dreams

Of love unbound

My heart is yours my dear

Why is it so hard?

To give and not receive

Why am I glad

Why am I relieved?

You ask no questions

Oh rejoice

 You accept me as I am

You take me at face value

Thank you

Love be damned

A fallacy we sell ourselves

A product of the life

 A piece of heaven we buy ourselves

With blood and inner strife

If I give enough

You will keep me near

If I give the wrong thing

You will be gone I fear

I am not el Capitan

Of my life I am sure

I am but a pawn

In this game I must endure

So maybe I love you

Maybe I don’t

The truth is shallow at best

Maybe it does not matter

If I can pass the test

Hush my love,

Be still no sound

Where angels fear to sing

This is life

My love, my all

I am hear…

Ok.. Next?

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Rygar commented on Next


LOVE the ending!!!! great poem hun, i shall read more.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

intellaspy’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Next 1
Pascal's Wager 0
Death? Poetry 2
Love is the question 5
Silent thoughts 3
The Last of Love 0
Red Tide 0
I am never Lonely 1
Thought Thief 0
Prison of Fear 1
Soul Hunger 0
My Master has come 0
Shared Silence 1
Despair 0
Chasm 0
Mimic 0