New Found Love


  • Love

    New Found Love

    Your thick black wavy hair
    Draws my attention to your face
    I look deep into your emerald green eyes,
    Realizing once again, why you’re my love
    Your smile caught my eye, your laugh my attention
    You have an easy gentle way about you and I feel safe

    You’re charming without trying, making you even more so
    You love deeply and passionately from the heart
    Giving freely of yourself and expecting nothing in return
    You love like you’ve never been hurt

    Yet there’s a tenderness there, an ache from deep within

    And I promise myself that I will love that ache away
    As I wrap my arms around you and I feel you hold me tight
    I feel your love and it is the greatest feeling in the world

    While I’m asleep in your arms, my dreams are sweet
    Every move I make, you’re there, holding me tight, never letting go

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    spbsdude commented on New Found Love


    A beautiful poem about a true love, how special that really is. Would that we all had someone to hug our aches away. Nice job.



    Thank you very much for the sweet comments on my poems.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    azgurl’s Poems (2)

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    New Found Love 1