New Beginnings!


  • Life

    New Beginnings!

    A true beginning always starts with an end.

    An end to the old, a beginning to start anew.

    Without a true end there can be no beginning,

    only a continuation of stagnet living.

    With no emotional outlet and no where to turn.

    I can feel the pressure, i feel the burn.

    To long have I been trapped in my mind.

    How cold a world, that turns a blind eye.

    I have given up on my hopes, wishes, and dreams.

    So i may focus on what everyone expects from me.

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    mikeg commented on New Beginnings!


    Expectations are made up of what those around you think is best for you. Not exactly what you feel as so. I think you say that in your last two lines. I see the stalemate in your life until you drop your own desires. Your words speak aloud, definitely get a better understanding on what goes on in your head. Much like mine as you said. I

    chubbc commented on New Beginnings!


    wow thats deep i like it my fave lines from this was I have given up on my hopes, wishes, and dreams. So i may focus on what everyone expects from me. sometimes that can be so true

    Artie commented on New Beginnings!


    I like this - sometimes we have to put things on hold, but keep them in the back of your mind. One day, you will have time 10 from me

    SuperChick76 commented on New Beginnings!


    Indeed so. For ever beginning there is an end, and to ever end... a beginning. But it is up to us to leave the past behind, as to allow tomorrow to be a new day. Beautifully written my friend. I liked the flow of this one, it made it easy to read and actually rather capturing. Good job.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    WordChallenged’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
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    Anarch Nation 1
    New Beginnings! 4
    My loss, Anothers gain! 8
    Society 2
    Abdication of Passion! 2
    Upon Noticing! 5
    Abstinence 3
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