Neverending Sorrow


  • Sadness

    Neverending Sorrow

    Time has befriended me. It had given me hope, the promise of tomorrow, and the passion to dare dream by moonlight.
    I have known the pleasures of friendship, family, and true love, which embraced my soul with happiness and laughter, and given the promise of eternal.
    In my travel through life, I have endured great hardship, grief beyond imagination, and have perished within the family circle. Just as time had given me my smile and my eyes the ability to dance with every given breath, time had abolished my existence within the livelihood of being human.
    I had been banished, with only memories to guide me, feed my soul that became weak from the hunger of belonging, my heart which is broken, and hesitant to beat with each passing day. The reality of knowing I am alone, and am doomed to remain in this state for the remainder of my time, however long or short it may be.
    My thoughts turn to my dreams. The dreams to which showered me with happiness, and the promise of eternity, but only for a brief moment until they dissipate with the opening of my eyes to the dawn of a new day. If only my dreams could be made into reality. If only I could intice my dreams to enter my world through my hopes.
    As I realize my dreams can never be reality, I gaze into the sunset, release a sigh of sadness, and return to my world that is so dark, so bleak and filled with never-ending sorrow.

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    poett commented on Neverending Sorrow


    this is a beautiful. I enjoyed reading please go and check my poetry any time you wish

    allenjermy commented on Neverending Sorrow


    well know after reading your first one, i thought the best one of the day, but i have to say, so is this one. You are a good poet. I like your work keep it up...Don Folks

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    lonewolf2006’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Once Upon A Time 1
    Neverending Sorrow 2