Never Ending...


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FUCKING APPLES!!!   lol :)

Never Ending...

I now understand the battle is never ending. Atleast once a day i will be fighting if not all day. I notice that tomorrow will never change everything around me, inside of me will exsist even when not wanted until the end. I am stuck with this mind that is full of memories, pain and whatever else lingers.It will never let me go it will haunt me till  the end. When its all over will any of it make any sense. Will I feel the suffering worth while ? Will I always carry regrets? I want to believe that God is real and that he loves me and everyone but when I really look around I see no love here especially from a loving God.I see only bitterness, Evil and pain. Everyone out for themselves cause no one else gives a shit. The very few that really care are the first to lose in this rat race. God if you hear my prayer please stop this madness... I cannot imagine the end!!!And i cannot waite for its arrival. This beautiful world you have created for us we have loved not but only taken for granted. The damage cannot be erased, generation after generation and the same mistakes...The apple has already been eaten... when is enough....enough???



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davoc commented on Never Ending...


I totally understand what you're saying here and I feel the same way. Great writing!!



Thanks I get alot of doubt but i know or i atleast hope someday this suffering will end for the whole world and that Jesus will have a new Heaven on Earth waiting for us...

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

GreenGirl81’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
New Beginnings... 0
Never Ending... 1
...losing control... 0
Bittersweet 0